Monday, May 16, 2016

Absolute Advantage

Balance of Trade
Individual: exists when a person can produce more of a certain good/ service that someone else in the same amount of time (or can produce a good using the least amount of resources)
National: exists when a country can produce more of a good/ service than another country can in the same period of time.

Comparative Advantage
Person or nation has a comparative advantage in the production of a product when it can produce the product at a lower domestic opportunity cost than a trading partner

  • Input:
    • ex. TVs produced per hour, miles per gallon
  • Output:
    • ex. number of hours to do jobs, number of acres to feed horses

Specialization and Trade
Gains from trade are based on comparative advantage, not absolute advantage.

  • countries should trade if they have a lower opportunity cost


  1. Good notes, i like the different colors you use, i think your examples are very helpful, i makes it easier to understand.

  2. Balance of trade is a little bit interesting because it says balance but it is when it is producing more
