Thursday, March 3, 2016

Investment Demand Graphs

Real (r%) v. Nominal (i%)
what's the difference?
  • Nominal is the observable rate of interest. Real subtracts our inflation (pi%) and is knot ex post facto
How do you compute the real interest rate (r%)? 
  • r%=i% - pi%
What then, determines the cost of an investment decision?
  • The real interest rate (r%)

Investment Demand Curve (ID)
what is the shape?
  • Downward sloping
  • When interest rates are high, fewer investments are profitable; when interest rates are low, more investments are profitable 
Shifts in ID
cost of production:
  • Lower costs shift ID ->
  • Higher costs shifts ID<-
Business taxes:
  • Lower bus taxes shift ID ->
  • Higher <-
Technological change:
  • New technology- >
  • Lack of technological change <-
Stock of Capital:
  • If an economy is low on capital, then ID ->
  • If Econ has much capital then <-
  • Positive expectation ->
  • Negative expectations <-

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