Thursday, April 7, 2016

What Do Banks Do?

  • a bank is a financial intermediary
  • uses liquid assets (i.e. Bank deposits) to finance the investments of borrowers
  • process is known as Fractional reserve banking
  • a system in which depository institutions hold liquid assets less than the amount of deposits 
  • Can take the form of:
  1. Currency in bank vaults 
  2. Bank reserves- deposits held at the federal reserve 

  • T-Account (balance sheet)
  • statements of assets and liabilities
  • assets ( amount owned)
  • items to which a bank holds legal claim
  • The use of funds by financial intermediaries 
  • liabilities( amounts owed)
  • the legal claims against a bank
  • The sources of fund for financial intermediaries 
Federal reserve bank
  • 12 district federal reserve banks
  • Each are quasi-owned

  • Functions of the fed
  • issues paper currency 
  • Sets reserve requirements and holds reserves of the bank 
  • Lends money to the banks and charged them interest 
  • They are a check clearing service for banks 
  • Act as a personal bank for the government 
  • Supervise member banks
  • Control money supply in the economy 

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